Novels we’re loving at the moment!

Our founder, Kamini, shares her reading list of the year with us today!

This year for me has been rather hectic, balancing between rest days and heavy workload. Stressful has been the key word of the past many months, despite trying my best to ease it, and so I wander to the one thing that I know always helps me – reading. I read through novels and novels to escape, but also to find inspiration. Reading helps me travel the world, get new ideas and also learn new perspectives. But this reading list I share with you are more centered around crime solving – in the lightest and humorous way possible. From the Queen solving risqué murder cases, to a group of senior citizens opening up cold cases to solve whilst juggling a variety of obstacles such as hearing aids, Alzheimer’s and old soviet spies! Also thrown into the mix are a few stories with a bit of history, apothecary love and of course, as always, strong women leads, who fight through it all!

I love to soak in a tub with salts, sipping on calming brew at night or plum + roses brew if I chose to read early morning!

Self Care: A Novel
By Leigh Stein

A story that shows us a realistic truth of the not just the digital world, but also the world of business, money and human characteristics. A stark and honest look, which may end you feeling deflated, but also gives you a real insight to what it is you want to do with life.


The Thursday Murder Club
By Richard Osman

Introduced to me by my cousin, we spent evenings discussing the brilliantly thought out characters, reminding us much of our own aunts! Delightfully lovely, intriguing, hilarious and soul-warming. There are three books out so far, and I’m impatiently awaiting the fourth!

The Thursday Murder Club
By Richard Osman

Book 2- The Man Who Died Twice

Book 3 – The Bullet That Missed

The Windsor Knot
By SJ Bennett

What can I say? This is a novel that had me hooked to the pages, and I also spent engrossing moments googling many of the incidents. Her Majesty whilst feeling like a friend, also leaves you in awe of her uncanny intelligence and of course gut feelings! There are two more books that follow up, that I can’t wait to get my hands on!

Kindle Edition

The Lost Apothecary
Sarah Penner

Spanning between two eras, the cross connections are riveting, captivating with unforgettable characters and suspense.

Kindle Edition 

Masala Lab
By Krish Ashok

A book that must be bought in paperback to really relish, understand, write notes in, highlight and bookmark – teaching you the basic nuances of ingredients, this book teaches you all that you never knew you needed to know. A bible in my opinion, one every home should have on the bookcase!

Kindle Edition